Ismailia national company for food industries (Foodico) was founded in 1983 being one of the most important ad largest companies operating in the field of agriculture processing in Egypt with more than 13000 ton of production of high quality from frozen vegetables concentrates of tomato paste orange juices.
We aim to deliver superior product quality using latest technology method and international slandered specification and under supervision of distinguished elite of engineers technician and administrators specialized in the field of frozen vegetables nature juices in Egypt and the world.

Who We Are
Foodico was founded Egyptian joint stock company and that the decision of the Ministry of Investment and international Cooperation No. 159 of 1983 and the Egyptian Gazette newspaper publication number 241 dated October 25, 1983
Major Shareholders:
Faisal Islamic Bank ـــ Suez Canal Authority ـــ Individual Shareholders
Foodico Produces a wide varieties of frozen vegetables, natural fruit juice, fruit concentrates, tomato concentrate, tomato paste using up-to date technology.
Our Product does not contain coloring, preservatives or chemicals substances, not treated genetically. Rich in Flavor and Vitamines. Our Products are favorite to customers in Arab countries, Europe, U.S.A, Canada Australia ...etc.
FOODICO Product is your choice Locally and world wide.
Our Mission
Elevate people’s lives via providing nourishing quality product from a sustainable.
Our Vision
Be the number one brand of choice for our consumers and talent delivering superior quality product that will impact the wellbeing of the community.